When a “Farm” is Not a Farm: Zoning Regulations that Violate our Human Right to Grow Our Own Food

This past week, we were in a real estate contract to purchase a home on some acreage, with a barn. As my husband, “The Farmer,” who hasn’t officially been a farmer in seven years, walked the land with me, I saw his face light up. He was giddy. So was I. Ever since we sold … Read more

PNW/Oregon Post: Groceries are NOT cheaper at Winco. Really.

photo credit I personally don’t like shopping at Winco, and don’t usually go there. I believe it’s one of the local *myths* that, if you live in Oregon and you want to get cheap groceries, you must shop at Winco. Last week, I decided to go there and see if this myth is really true. Let me … Read more

Food Swap Video!

I was able to participate in a very FUN “Food Swap” that my friend Bethany put together. People brought all kinds of great homemade stuff to trade. I loved it! If you’re looking for me, I’m the giggly one. I always get like that when I’m on camera. 😉