Free Farm and Garden Calendar

We don’t live on the farm anymore, but I still love this calendar for knowing what to plant, when. I live in the Willamette Valley, in Oregon. My planting and harvesting dates may be different from yours, because of location and frost dates.

I am offering this farm and garden calendar for free. If you like this information, you might also like my Garden Planner. Note that I didn’t create this Farm/Garden Calendar as an item to sell, so there may be typos in it. I was just using it to determine what I can still plant in my backyard in late June, and thought “hey, others might find this useful!” It’s free, folks! Use it as a template–an idea of what to do on your homestead.

I usually print this out and put it in a clear plastic sheet protector and bring it out to the garden with me. Use it however you like!

Click below and save to your computer or print. Enjoy!

Note: DS means Direct Set and T means Transplant. 🙂


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