GAPS Recipes (Roundup)

How many of you are thinking about “going GAPS” since the holidays are over? You want to finish up the last few sugar cookies and the last half of the pie you made, then start, right? I get it. 🙂 Well, I want to make it easy for you to find GAPS Intro recipes. You can search the internet, and it’s confusing–what exactly can you eat on the GAPS Intro Diet? Well, I’ll post some guidelines and then a linkup for the recipes here! I do not recommend doing the GAPS Diet only based on information from blogs like mine. While I love to share information with you, and so do many other great bloggers, we are not doctors–and we are certainly not as awesome and smart as Dr. Natasha Campbell Mc Bride. 🙂 I suggest you read her book. It’s essential to doing the GAPS Diet successfully and to understanding it completely. 

Stage 1

The Best Foods to Start with: 
  • boiled meats
  • broth
  • vegetables cooked in broth like zucchini, yellow squash, winter squash, carrots, pumpkins, turnips, cauliflower
  • lots of good fat like tallow, lard, duck fat
  • garlic, fresh or cooked
  • lemon in room temperature water
  • ginger tea (made with fresh ginger)
  • sea salt and black pepper

Then you can introduce:

  • a little more fibrous vegetables, cooked in broth, if you’re doing ok–like: beets, bok choy, broccoli, brussels sprouts, eggplant, green beans, kale, peas, peppers (not hot), spinach, tomatoes (if you haven’t had issue with tomatoes before), watercress
  • coconut oil
  • juices from fermented vegetables
  • homemade 24 hour yogurt

If you are a blogger and you have recipes you would like to share in this round-up, please make sure that they fit the above criteria. If I notice anything that doesn’t fit, I’ll have to remove it.

photo credit

Stage 2

GAPS Stage 2 is very similar to Stage 1, except that you can add eggs. First, add raw egg yolk. If the egg yolk is well tolerated, add a soft-boiled egg yolk. You can also add fresh herbs in Stage 2, which is a welcome addition!

Bloggers who are adding recipes, please look at the Stage 1 GAPS Intro rules and make sure that your recipes fit those requirements and also contain raw or soft boiled egg yolk and/or fresh herbs. If I notice anything that doesn’t fit, I’ll have to remove it.

Stage 3

In GAPS Stage 3 there is a little more freedom with the additions of:

Bloggers who are adding recipes, please look at the Stage 1 and 2 GAPS Intro rules and make sure that your recipes fit those requirements and also contain at least one of the above ingredients for Stage 3. If I notice anything that doesn’t fit, I’ll have to remove it. 


Stage 4

In GAPS Stage 4, you can start adding a little more flavor to your food with dried herbs and roasted meats. 🙂 In addition to all of the Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3 foods, you can add the following in this stage:

  • dried herbs  
  • carrot juice (freshly juiced)
  • grilled meats (beef, chicken, duck, fish, goose, pheasant, pigeon, pork, turkey)
  • olive oil
  • roasted meats (beef, chicken, duck, fish, goose, pheasant, pigeon, pork, turkey)
  • shellfish, cooked

Bloggers who are adding recipes, please look at the Stage 1, 2 and 3 GAPS Intro rules and make sure that your recipes fit those requirements and also contain at least one of the above ingredients for Stage 4. If I notice anything that doesn’t fit, I’ll have to remove it.


Stage 5

In Stage 5 you get to add some sweet stuff! In addition to all of the foods in Stages 1, 2, 3 and 4, you may add:

  • apple puree, cooked
  • apple juice (freshly juiced)
  • cucumber, peeled
  • lettuce-soft parts
  • mango juice
  • mangoes
  • onions, raw
  • papaya juice
  • pecan flour  
  • pineapple juice
  • spices-pure, single  
  • string beans
  • tomatoes, raw
  • walnut flour

Bloggers who are adding recipes, please look at the Stage 1, 2, 3 and 4 GAPS Intro rules and make sure that your recipes fit those requirements and also contain at least one of the above ingredients for Stage 5. If I notice anything that doesn’t fit, I’ll have to remove it.


Stage 6

Stage 6 is a fun stage to get to when you’ve worked so hard on the intro! On stage 6 you can have all of the foods listed in Stages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and you may also begin to include:

Bloggers who are adding recipes, please look at the Stage 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 GAPS Intro rules and make sure that your recipes fit those requirements and also contain at least one of the above ingredients for Stage 6. If I notice anything that doesn’t fit, I’ll have to remove it.


Full GAPS is really a diet that you could stay on for life if you choose to. There are so many nutrient dense foods on this diet, and eating this way is very healthy. Note that on Full GAPS there are no refined flours, sugars, or alternative sugars. There are also no grains or starches like tapioca, potatoes or corn. In addition to the foods that are listed in Stages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, you may eat the following on the Full GAPS Diet:

Bloggers who are adding recipes, please look at the Stage 1, 2, 3, 4 5 and 6 GAPS Intro rules and make sure that your recipes fit those requirements and also contain at least one of the above ingredients for Full GAPS. If I notice anything that doesn’t fit, I’ll have to remove it.

Have you found or created any good recipes for the GAPS Intro Diet? Share them here! Comment below with reviews of recipes & thoughts about the GAPS Diet!