GAPS Meals Simplified

Tonight I prepared a quick dinner and I thought about how this GAPS thing is so simple for me these days. Once upon a time, spaghetti, rice-a-roni and white flour tortillas were the norm in our home, and it was really difficult for me to think of what to cook for dinner that was GAPS legal. (Thus, the reason I created the Meal Plans! Once I figured it out, I wanted to simplify it for YOU! :)). But if you’re not subscribed to my Meal Plans (or even if you are & you still want help), this list may help you plan what to eat every day, at every meal. Use these keywords to do some Google searches & build your recipe collection. Use Pinterest to gather photos of the recipes you find. Or, use Plan to Eat to gather your recipes and create menus. After a while, you’ll have lots of recipes, lots of experience, and this GAPS thing will be easy for you, too! 🙂


GAPS Breakfast Ideas:

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  • meat, cheese & veggies or fruit
  • salads with meat & cheese
  • soups–veggie, meaty, pureed
  • leftover dinner
  • nut butter or pumpkin seed butter with apple & clery
  • cheese “crackers” (baked cheese slices) with a yogurt dip
  • baked chicken with homemade seasoning salt
  • tuna or salmon salad
  • hard boiled eggs
  • acorn squash with apples
  • seed crackers with cheese
  • hot dogs without nitrates or sugar (Applegate Farms)
  • ham or turkey (no nitrates, no sugar) rolled up with cheese & avocado slices
  • meatballs
  • leftover chicken & egg salad


  • applesauce
  • apples & Havarti
  • nuts or seeds
  • dried fruit (unsweetened), raisins
  • carrots with homemade yogurt ranch


If you need quick dinners:

  • bacon & eggs
  • taco/pizza eggs
  • omelets for dinner (recently, I did a “create your own omelet” night & let the family choose which toppings they wanted)
  • sometimes you can find store-bought meatballs that are GAPS legal–but not often. Costco used to have some.
  • sometimes you can find GAPS legal sausages (New Seasons has them)
  • frozen grass fed burger patties are a quick dinner! Slice up some avocado & tomato & cheese and you’re set!
  • stir fry without soy sauce

Side Dishes:

  • mashed cauliflower
  • riced cauliflower
  • arugula salad with honey wine dressing
  • veggies: green beans, peas, carrots, squash, zucchini, mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, peppers, etc.!
  • homemade coleslaw (yogurt, honey, salt, celery seeds)
  • carrot salad (shredded carrots, honey, yogurt, raisins)
  • cheesy vegetables (mixed veggies with yogurt, garlic, lots of cheese-baked)
  • baked beans (homemade, with honey)
  • refried beans (white beans, homemade)
  • coconut flour “corn bread”
  • acorn squash cut in half, de-seeded, and baked with butter and honey inside
  • mashed butternut squash
  • cucumber tomato salad

Still need help?? Check out these cookbooks!

11 thoughts on “GAPS Meals Simplified”

  1. You sweet woman! I have not made the plunge yet into GAPS for my family- but am planning on doing so this summer. This is list is EXACTLY what i needed! I regularly check your blog out and have learned so much from your posts. Praying the Lord would refresh you today as you have been so generous to refresh me with your pearls of wisdom. Warmly, Amy

  2. THANK YOU! I desperately need to do the GAPS but can’t figure out how to implement it for me without putting the entire family on it. This list will help me so much–all I need to do is add food for them that I won’t eat.

  3. I didn’t realize cheese is allowed on the diet – are you using raw cheese? What about the lactose and casein? I love cheese so it’d be fantastic if I don’t have to give it up!

  4. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! I am starting the same journey and am feeling overwhelmed. What a great list! When I post a link to your site on my blog, I will come back and leave you a message 🙂

  5. Very informative & I am excited I have been over whlemed because my family was worried because hard to get them on board at first. But your recipes seem great . Thank you


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