GIVE AWAY! Win a Homesteading Book or a Garden Tower!

Give away! Homesteading

It’s been a while since I hosted a give away like this! I think these are SO FUN, and I hope you do too! This time, I am giving away some of my favorite homesteading books and a garden tower to THREE LUCKY WINNERS!


John Seymour’s The Self-Sufficient Life and How to Live It

Out of ALL of the homesteading books I have ever purchased and checked out from the library, this is by far my favorite. I recommend every homesteader and hopeful homesteader get a copy of this book.

VALUE= $25.45


The Backyard Homestead by Carleen Madigan

This book is SO fun! There are images of what a 1/4 acre, 1/2 acre or 1 acre homestead might look like. I personally think it’s a staple homesteading book that everyone should own.

VALUE= $16.04


A GARDEN TOWER! Just think of what you might grow in this Mr. Stacky Garden Tower! This is perfect for the backyard/apartment/neighborhood homesteader.

VALUE= $34.35


  1. Join the Well Fed Homestead Newsletter list. Leave a comment on this post to let me know. If you’ve already joined, you may also comment on this post for an entry.
  2. Like Well Fed Homestead on Facebook. Leave a comment on this post to let me know. If you’ve already liked the Facebook page, you may also comment on this post for an entry.
  3. Invite FIVE friends to join the Well Fed Homestead Newsletter list. Comment on this post to let me know. Leave one comment for every five friends you invite.
  4. Invite FIVE friends to join the Well Fed Homestead Facebook page. Leave a comment to let me know. Leave one comment for every five friends you invite.
  5. Apply to join the Launch Team for my upcoming Well Fed Homestead book. Leave a comment to let me know.

Make Sure to Leave Your Comments Below


  1. Please BE HONEST.
  2. Leave one comment for every entry.
  3. I will choose the winners using a randomizing tool.
  4. Winners will be announced and contacted MAY 23, 2020.
  5. No purchase necessary, though if you buy my ebooks or meal plans, you may be my favorite new blog reader. šŸ™‚

41 thoughts on “GIVE AWAY! Win a Homesteading Book or a Garden Tower!”

    • Hi Melody! You WON the garden tower! I will send you an email. If you don’t get it, email me at Brenda @ without the spaces and let me know your address! šŸ™‚

  1. I am already signed up for your newsletter! :o) That’s how I knew about your giveaway today!

    I’m not on facebook…so I can’t follow you there! Sorry!!

  2. I’ve been a blog subscriber for several years. Truly appreciate your authenticity and wish you were my neighbor. šŸ™‚

      • Thank you! I received my book and it’s fantastic! There is so much knowledge in the book. Thank you again for such a great give-away gift. And thanks for your blog. I am learning a lot from you.

    • Amber, you won the book The Self Sufficient Life and How to Live It! Email me your address at brenda @ without the spaces. šŸ™‚

  3. I JUST NOW found this website and joined. What. treasure trove of information which started out on how to videos on UTube! Thank you for sharing your knowledge so selflessly. God bless you! I have 19 girls and R least 3-5 are roosters! I can’t wait to try the scaled down chicken tractors and I love the bunny chicken pig barns. I am going to buy some portable fencing in the mean while to give my girls a little more freedom to scratch and dig for treasures!


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