Homeschool Resource Center

We have a dream of opening a homeschool resource center in the Knoxville area.

Why the Knoxville area?

There has been a huge migration to Tennessee over the last several years. You can see a small glimpse of this trend in this article and this article. If you read online forums on Facebook, Reddit, etc., you will find that a lot of families have either moved to Tennessee (many to East TN) or they are considering moving there.

Also, we have many family members who live in Tennessee. Between 2019 and 2020, about sixty-five family members left Oregon and moved to East Tennessee. Many of those people are homeschoolers.

What will this Homeschool Resource Center Include?

At Minimum:

  • A library with curriculum, Christian books that can’t be found at the public library, and homeschool tools to check out (like math manipulatives and science equipment). At the library, it will be easy to find books and materials that line up perfectly with The Gentle Learning Co. reading plans.
  • A project space where I (and others) can teach history-related crafts.
  • Classrooms for other homeschool class options.
  • A big gathering space for potlucks and events.

Pray with us!

We have big ideas–let’s pray about whether these are in God’s plan:

  • A stage/theater space for homeschool theater productions and talent shows.
  • A large gym for homeschool dances and other activities.
  • A coffee shop for moms.
  • A large kitchen for cooking classes.
  • A community garden where homeschooled students can learn how to grow their own food, as well as learning to grow and use fresh herbs and herbal tinctures.
  • A small farm with livestock so that homeschooled children can spend time around animals and learn about food production.
  • A garage space for students to learn about basic car repair and mechanics.
  • A recording studio and a variety of instruments for students to learn about recording and producing music.
  • A science lab with microscopes, bunsen burners, and other tools for science classes.
  • A tech lab for students to learn how to type, write documents, create spreadsheets, graphics, websites, floor plans, etc.
  • Outdoor play spaces like a basketball court, a play structure, and a field for children to run in.
  • Picnic tables and a pretty view for families to bring their sack lunch to and hang out for the day.

And even bigger prayer requests:

  • RV hookups for homeschool families to camp.
  • Small cabins for families to stay in.
  • A pond for children to learn how to fish in.

(Basically, picture a homeschool resource center AND retreat center all in one….wouldn’t this be lovely?!).

When will this happen?

It depends on a lot of factors, but Lord willing, within the next two to three years (by 2027). We need a lot of prayer, and of course, we need funding. This kind of project is very expensive. And, if this is God’s will, we trust that it’s going to happen! He is good!

Would you like to be a part of this?

We’d love to have your support! Comment below to let us know if you will commit to pray for this project. Also, if you’d like to give towards this project, you can do so here:

What would you like to see at this homeschool resource center?

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