Honey Peppermint Hot Chocolate

honey hot chocolate

First, don’t forget about our give away!!!

My family has a tradition: every time we decorate the tree, we have hot chocolate. And since we decorated the tree on Sunday, we had hot chocolate!

This is the most you will get to see of foster son, because I am not allowed to show his face on the internet. You can see that he completely unbuttoned his shirt, put it on inside out, and buttoned it up again. That kid has talent! πŸ™‚

You can see The Farmer’s face though. And Farm Princess 1! This is the ONE good photo I got with her eyes open. She’s got a blinking problem! πŸ˜‰

This is Farm Boy 2 and Farm Boy 3. Pretty handsome little fellers, if I do say so myself!

Here is Farm Boy 1 with Farm Boy 2 to the left. My sweet kids!

And me! We all worked hard and got the tree put together and beautified! And there are 2 more pretty girls that I cannot show (all of the photos I caught were of their faces! Imagine that!). Pray that we get to adopt them (please, pray!) and then someday I can show them to you. πŸ™‚

But what you really came here for is this:

right?! Alright then, here’s the recipe!

Honey Peppermint Hot Chocolate


1/2 c raw honey

1/2 c unsweetened cocoa powder

1 tsp Β vanilla extract

1/4 tsp peppermint extract

3 c raw milk


Whisk everything together in a large pot over medium heat. Warm the mixture up to desired temperature, whisking often. Serve in your favorite mugs with honey whipped cream!


Honey Whipped Cream

1 pint raw cream

1/4 c raw honey

1 tsp vanilla extract

Whip together the cream, honey and vanilla in the bowl of an electric mixer until stiff peaks form.


If you are on GAPS, you’ll have to determine if this hot chocolate is ok for you (depending on your stage & your sensitivity to dairy). We are on full GAPS, and we’ve been on GAPS for almost 2 years. We do ok with raw milk, every once in a while. Farm Boy 1 has been drinking raw milk with every single meal, ever since I chatted with Kat when we had breakfast together in Texas. She said that when she counsels people who are following the SCD diet (similar to GAPS), she tells them that if they need to lose weight, eat less dairy–and if they need to gain weight, consume more dairy. Since Farm Boy 1 needs to gain weight, he’s drinking a lot of raw milk! And it’s WORKING! He’s gone up by about 4 lbs since I got back from Texas just 2 weeks ago! YAY!

So, you determine if raw dairy is ok for you. I’ve heard Dr. Natasha say that milk is not ok, and I’ve heard her say that raw milk may be ok (on Full GAPS). Again, this is another situation where you need to listen to your body!


This post was shared at Kelly the Kitchen Kop’s Real Food Wednesday and at Works For Me Wedesday!

8 thoughts on “Honey Peppermint Hot Chocolate”

  1. This looks great Brenda. I am glad to see pictures of your kiddos. It was SO great to meet you at WAPF conference. I will be praying for you… When do you know if you’re approved for the adoption?

    • Meagan, thank you for the prayers! We won’t know what the plan is for the kids until February–and then, if the plan is adoption, they search for family members first. It’s a long, crazy process!!! We appreciate your prayers!!

  2. YUM-MY! As soon as Pinterest starts working again . . I am coming back to save this. I am also checking out the Chocolate peppermint post listed below the blog too!


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