I love quiche. I know, we eat eggs for breakfast, don’t I get tired of this many eggs? Well, no. 🙂 Quiche is more about the other ingredients, and less about the eggs for me. It’s all good together though. It’s a great way to use up leftover meat and veggies. Besides, we have a lot of eggs popping out of our beautiful free-ranging chickens these days! (Serioulsy, we have like 5 dozen extra per week–anyone who lives near us want to come buy some? :))
So anyways, last night we had a quiche night! We had salmon the night before, and I LOVE salmon quiche. Here’s how I made my quiche last night:
I saved 1 1/2 fillets of salmon from the night before and crumbled them up and put them in 2 buttered pans.
I cooked up 1 lb of pork sausage (home-grown, no sugar!) and divided that between 2 more buttered pans.
In the pork grease, I fried up some onions, zucchini, and spinach. I sprinkled this mixture on 1 salmon quiche and 1 sausage quiche. I topped these ones with raw, white cheddar.
On one salmon quiche, I simply added a bunch of swiss cheese.
On the 2nd sausage quiche, I dumped some homemade (lacto-fermented) salsa, and then put some raw jack cheese on it. I LOVE this raw jack cheese, it is SOOO creamy and wonderful!
I sprinkled salt & pepper on all of them, as well as some "garlic granules" (dried garlic seasoning stuff).
I scrambled up 24 eggs with 1 cup of yogurt and then spread it among the 4 pans.
Then I baked them all for 40 minutes or so? Something like that. 🙂
It was an easy, cheesy (literally), yummy dinner!
Here’s a sampler plate of quiche: 🙂
The salsa one with the creamy jack was my favorite, and second was the salmon quiche with swiss and no veggies. The kids loved it, and so did The Farmer.
2 thoughts on “Quiche Night!”