Quiche Night!

I love quiche. I know, we eat eggs for breakfast, don’t I get tired of this many eggs? Well, no. 🙂 Quiche is more about the other ingredients, and less about the eggs for me. It’s all good together though. It’s a great way to use up leftover meat and veggies. Besides, we have a lot of eggs popping out of our beautiful free-ranging chickens these days! (Serioulsy, we have like 5 dozen extra per week–anyone who lives near us want to come buy some? :))

So anyways, last night we had a quiche night! We had salmon the night before, and I LOVE salmon quiche. Here’s how I made my quiche last night:

Quiche Night


I saved 1 1/2 fillets of salmon from the night before and crumbled them up and put them in 2 buttered pans.

I cooked up 1 lb of pork sausage (home-grown, no sugar!) and divided that between 2 more buttered pans.

In the pork grease, I fried up some onions, zucchini, and spinach. I sprinkled this mixture on 1 salmon quiche and 1 sausage quiche. I topped these ones with raw, white cheddar.

On one salmon quiche, I simply added a bunch of swiss cheese.

On the 2nd sausage quiche, I dumped some homemade (lacto-fermented) salsa, and then put some raw jack cheese on it. I LOVE this raw jack cheese, it is SOOO creamy and wonderful!

I sprinkled salt & pepper on all of them, as well as some "garlic granules" (dried garlic seasoning stuff).

I scrambled up 24 eggs with 1 cup of yogurt and then spread it among the 4 pans.

Then I baked them all for 40 minutes or so? Something like that. 🙂

It was an easy, cheesy (literally), yummy dinner!

Here’s a sampler plate of quiche: 🙂

Yummy Quiche


The salsa one with the creamy jack was my favorite, and second was the salmon quiche with swiss and no veggies. The kids loved it, and so did The Farmer.


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