Why Start a Garden Journal?

Last night I spent time outside planting zucchini, cucumbers, carrots and dill. Then, I spent an equal amount of time at my kitchen table, journaling what I had planted. This may seem awfully tedious to you, and you might wonder why in the world would I JOURNAL about my gardening? Let me explain. Why You … Read more

35 Vegetables that Grow in 60 Days or Less

Sixty-five days. That’s how many more days the Virginia governor, Ralph Northam, has said that we need to stay in our homes because of Coronavirus. I mentioned the other day that the empty grocery store shelves has me wishing we lived on the farm again. Suddenly, I’m researching, “what can we grow–fast?” We have seven … Read more

What Should You Plant In Your Garden?

photo credit: Patrick When I was a newbie gardener, I was really more of a seed collector. I wanted to grow everything, and seeds are relatively cheap, so I would buy every packet that looked nice. I owned a lot of seeds, but that didn’t translate into a lot of food for my family. I … Read more