A Poop Story

No photos in this post, sorry. 🙂 I was reading a blog about how to write successful blogs the other day, and the lady suggested that we be REAL in our blogs. Ok, well, this is as real as it gets. Truth be told, I guess I’ve been known for my funny “poop stories” ever since I was a kid. My husband appreciates them. 😉 Why the obsession with poop? Maybe because I knew something was wrong with mine. Maybe it was on my mind because it was happening so often in my day.

It all begins in the gut, but it may not be your fault

This is Part 2 of “It All Begins in the Gut.” I’ve been thinking about this subject, and I wanted to clarify some things. I don’t want to give the impression that if you’re sick, it’s only because of something you did.

It all begins in the gut, but not necessarily yours…

It all begins in the gut

This is a big subject! It will take more than one post to cover this subject, but I want to get you pondering this:

“All disease begins in the gut.”
Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine

ALL disease begins in the gut.




Chron’s disease?




Autoimmune diseases?

Mental illness?

High blood pressure?