When a “Farm” is Not a Farm: Zoning Regulations that Violate our Human Right to Grow Our Own Food

This past week, we were in a real estate contract to purchase a home on some acreage, with a barn. As my husband, “The Farmer,” who hasn’t officially been a farmer in seven years, walked the land with me, I saw his face light up. He was giddy. So was I. Ever since we sold … Read more

Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon: Book Review

Nourishing Traditions is one of the many great books I have been privileged to read as part of the Nutritional Therapy program. Here is my book review: Sally Fallon’s Nourishing Traditions presents the compelling argument that Americans ought to go back to their ancestral roots when it comes to nutrition. Sally’s book refers to a dentist … Read more

What you eat will impact the health of your grandchildren!

It is commonly known that what a pregnant mother eats can impact her growing baby. What we don’t often consider is the nutrition the expectant mother had as a child–and what her parents and grandparents ate before her. Do these foods impact the health of her unborn child? What about that child’s future children? If … Read more