GAPS Legal Pumpkin Pie!
Since I just shared about a good deal on organic canned pumpkin, now I want to share a good recipe to go with it!
Since I just shared about a good deal on organic canned pumpkin, now I want to share a good recipe to go with it!
When most people think of losing weight and getting healthier, they think of portion control and tasteless meals. We haven’t done any portion controlling, and our meals have been super yummy! Here’s a snapshot of some of the foods we have eaten over the last year. Many of these recipes can be found in my … Read more
Since embarking on this GAPS Diet adventure, the phrase I have heard most from people has been:
“Well, everything is ok in moderation.”
What most people don’t understand is that if you’re eating the “typical American Diet,” you’re not eating in moderation.
I mentioned the other day that there were lots of health issues going on in my family. When I saw the cover of Breaking the Vicious Cycle, I knew I had to read it. “Diet for Chron’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Diverticulitis, Celiac Disease, Cystic Fibrosis and Chronic Diarrhea.” I didn’t know if I … Read more