GAPS legal Mushroom Burgers

I’ve been writing out menu plans every week, but last week I was not on top of getting things defrosted when I needed to. SO, since we still needed to eat, I had to come up with some impromptu, easy-to-defrost-and-cook-quickly meals. 🙂 I came up with this dinner idea, and my family LOVED it. We will certainly be making this again! (Well, The Farmer and I LOVED the mushroom burger part of it. The kids loved the cheeseburger part of it. :))

1 Year on GAPS, and we haven’t suffered a bit!

When most people think of losing weight and getting healthier, they think of portion control and tasteless meals. We haven’t done any portion controlling, and our meals have been super yummy! Here’s a snapshot of some of the foods we have eaten over the last year.  Many of these recipes can be found in my … Read more