Weekly Homeschool Planner

I did it! I created a homeschool planner! This is the first of two. This one is a beautiful vintage-style weekly planner. You can scroll below to purchase a downloadable PDF or a hard copy. (The second planner I am designing will be released in 2025).

The print version is 8.5 x 11″ and has hard laminated front and back covers, smooth off-white pages, and gold metal spirals.

Let me show you what it’s like!

The Cover:

The schedule:

There is a sample schedule in the planner, as well as a blank schedule to create your own.

If you use the sample schedule, the planner lays out for you exactly how many much time is spent on each subject over the course of the school year:

Monthly Pages

There are twelve blank monthly pages. You can start your school year whenever you choose!

Term Pages

There are five two-page layouts for each term. Here is a sample of one of the pages:

Weekly Pages

There are six planning pages for each week. These pages include:

A page with the days of the week listed (Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc.) and lines below them. I use this space to write in appointments or thing I need to remember for the week. You may use it however you like. This page also includes a To Do list for the week, and a Notes section.

A page with space for a weekly menu and a blank chart that says “The Week.” I created these pages because I recognize that in addition to home educating your children, you are running a household. You can use the chart titled “The Week” in a variety of ways:

Kitchen Jobs: Leave column one blank at the top, and write the days of the week across the next seven columns in the top row. Down the left column, write some “Kitchen Job” tasks, like “Dishes,” and “Counters,” etc. Now, assign your family to these tasks and write their names into the appropriate slots.

Grocery List: Write grocery aisle titles across the top row, like this: “Produce,” “Dairy,” “Meat,” “Baking,” “Dry,” “Frozen,” etc.–now write your grocery list for the week under each title.

Weekly Overview: Leave column one blank at the top, and write the days of the week across the next seven columns in the top row. Down the left column, write times, like 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, etc. Jot down any of the week’s known appointments, so that you can see an overview of the week’s schedule. Or, make this chart more detailed and add in your week’s ideal homeschool schedule here.

My favorite page in the planner: a pretty page for filling in the week’s Enrichment, Life Skills, Bible Memory, Catechism & Repetition.

A page for all of the suggested Whole-Family subjects. Fill this page in with the resources & page numbers you will be using. Do these studies with everyone gathered together around the table or at a comfy couch. Remember, this is a Whole-Family Homeschool Planner. This page and the following two pages make this planner different from every other option on the market. I really want you to gather all of your kids together as often as possible.

A page for Individual Studies with Help. This includes subjects like Math, Reading, and Grammar; which children may need your assistance with. You might be able to group together some of your children in these subject areas.

A page for Independent Studies. These are for Forms III through VI. If you do not have children in these grades, don’t worry about this page. This is where you will fill in your students’ independent school work.

There are Four or Five Terms

I designed this planner to be flexible, to meet your family’s needs. The Gentle Learning Co. reading plans last for twenty-eight weeks (four terms). Some states require thirty-six weeks of instruction, though. Because of this, I designed the planner with five terms, divided like this:

  • Term 1: Weeks 1-7
  • Term 2: Weeks 8-14
  • Term 3: Weeks 15-21
  • Term 4: Weeks 22-28
  • Bonus Term: Weeks 29-36 (an 8-week term)

Some notes about this planner:

  • This planner is 280 pages.
  • This planner is undated and this is intentional, so that you can start using it whenever you see fit. Need a new plan mid-school year? Great! Fill it out with the proper dates and get started!
  • The vintage illustrations are just for fun, and to make the planner look pretty. I hope you enjoy them! If you feel like coloring them, do!
  • The Latin titles under the illustrations are to make you feel smart, because, why not?
  • I used “Day 1, Day 2,” etc. instead of the names of the days of the week in case you start your week on a day besides Monday. Our family goes to co-op on Wednesday and we start our new week on Thursday. I wanted to make this planner flexible for whatever your situation is.
  • There are blank spaces on the charts for you to add any subjects you choose. You’re the boss! You get to pick which subjects you are using in your homeschool this year. Feel free to omit any of the subjects I have suggested and add any subjects you choose.

Ready to Purchase?

Buy the PDF Download (immediate download)

$35 Thanksgiving Special: $18


Order print-copy (and a link to the PDF Download will be sent to you for free, as well, within 24 hours).

The print version is 8.5 x 11″ and has hard laminated front and back covers, smooth off-white pages, and gold metal spirals.

Print copies will be delivered before Christmas 2024.

$60 Thanksgiving Special: $45


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