1 Timothy 4 and Abstaining from Foods

This morning, I happened to read in 1 Timothy 4. (Note, I read from this 3 year Bible reading plan. 1 year plans are too much for my daily attention span. 😉 This, I can actually read, process and retain throughout the day.) I have had 1 Timothy 4 quoted to me as Scripture that supposedly would say I am wrong to abstain from particular foods.

A Poop Story

No photos in this post, sorry. 🙂 I was reading a blog about how to write successful blogs the other day, and the lady suggested that we be REAL in our blogs. Ok, well, this is as real as it gets. Truth be told, I guess I’ve been known for my funny “poop stories” ever since I was a kid. My husband appreciates them. 😉 Why the obsession with poop? Maybe because I knew something was wrong with mine. Maybe it was on my mind because it was happening so often in my day.

1 Year on GAPS, and we haven’t suffered a bit!

When most people think of losing weight and getting healthier, they think of portion control and tasteless meals. We haven’t done any portion controlling, and our meals have been super yummy! Here’s a snapshot of some of the foods we have eaten over the last year.  Many of these recipes can be found in my … Read more

GAPS Diet: How We Got Started

I mentioned the other day that there were lots of health issues going on in my family. When I saw the cover of Breaking the Vicious Cycle, I knew I had to read it.   “Diet for Chron’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Diverticulitis, Celiac Disease, Cystic Fibrosis and Chronic Diarrhea.”   I didn’t know if I … Read more